Summer and Smiles

by Lauren | Celiac Teen on June 19, 2008

The end is near but the beginning is closer.  Schools just about out (if not already) and summer’s basically here.  Every summer and start of school year is a new beginning.  They are the time of the year when we get to be whomever we want to be.  These are the best times of the year.  Summer lets you reconnect with old friends, jump headfirst into camps, vacations and  build memories, while the start of school lets us find ourselves, realize who we want to be, what we want to do, and how we want to do it.  Of course, there is also homework and studying, but that can be a good thing, as they let us focus and realize what life in “the real world” may just be like.  With that said, have a wonderful summer.  I hope that everything works out, in whatever way you want it to.  I hope that you keep reading this.  I hope that I keep writing this.  I hope that every one of you has something to smile about each and every day of this summer.  I hope that life is good and you get lots of gluten-free food to fill you up.  I hope that all of you are healthy, happy and good.  I hope that all of my hopes come true, and yours too.  

Smile.  Eat.  Hope.  Enjoy.

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