Happy Easter!

by Lauren | Celiac Teen on April 12, 2009

So tomorrow is Eater Sunday.  When I was younger that meant searching through the house with my brother for chocolate eggs.  They were hidden all over the house (but always within our line of sight/height), and we would find as many as possible, then eat as many as we could manage.  Then mom & dad would take some, and we’d eat some more.  Once we had fully stuffed our faces, and probably had some brunch or lunch, my brother and me, along with half of the kids in our neighbourhood, we would take part in a huge neighbourhood-wide easter egg hunt.  There would be teams, and everything.  It was always a huge and very fun event.  Also, each of the teams would have younger kids and older ones, as well as girls and boys, which always made it more fun.  That also helped in making the teams more even.  But, as some of the kids were older, there were always very specific rules and boundries.  

As I got older, and when we got a dog, the easter experience changed.  No more chocolate on the ground, as you never know if he might get his paws on it.  Or really no more on low areas.  Now Easter is just about our family, having a nice breakfast together, then just enjoy the day.  Including the chocolate, of course =D.  Easter has evolved with us, I would say for the better.  It used to be about the easter bunny, and the chocolate, and it has turned into more of a day about our family, and of course, some good food =D.  

So, if all goes well, I’ll have cinnamon bread, that I’ll make into french toast, and maybe some pancakes or cornbread too.  And, with any luck, there will be some chocolate in there too, whether or not they are for breakfast!
Have an awesome Easter, however you celebrate it!
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