
by Lauren | Celiac Teen on May 3, 2009

Mornings have always been cereal for me.  Occasionally weekends would mean pancakes, but cereal was always the main choice.  When I could have gluten, I rotated around various cereals.  Usually I would get through two or three boxes of one kind and then switch because I had gotten sick of it.  Mini Wheats, Cheerios, and occasionally oatmeal tended to be my favourites.  Of course, I also had the sugar packed types at various times, but I tended to go back to these ones.  

Nowadays, I eat cereals that I never would have dreamed of before.  Hot rice cereal, hot quinoa cereal, and hot mixed cereal.  These are my day to day options now, and I really really like them.  I like them best with a bit of brown sugar and some milk poured on top.   Sometimes I’ll add in peanut butter or slivered almonds.  That is how I’ve been mixing it up these days.  Not so much by changing which one I eat, but changing how I eat it.  I think that that is the best way for me to change without sourcing out a more expensive and confusing alternative.  Gluten free tends to mean that expensive is bound to happen, it’s just how much you’re willing to pay, and if the higher price comes with a higher quality, better tasting product.  If it doesn’t then don’t bother, but if it tastes worlds better, then it’s always good to consider for a treat or something different.

How do you do breakfast?  Are you all about the eggs or in need of pancakes?  I’d love to know =D.
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