Getting Candy

by Lauren | Celiac Teen on September 24, 2008

Oh my goodness.  Today I was so excited.  During Math class of all things.  (Note: I actually like math, but that has nothing to do with my story, I just thought that you might like to know…)  Anyways, if we got the answer right, my teacher would give us a candy.  Today she had Werther’s Originals.  And I got a question right.  And *as far as I could tell* they were gluten free.  So I had one.  It was awesome.  And thats the end of my story.  

Ok, so that wasn’t that exciting, but I was totally prepared to give my candy to a friend, or just decline it all together.  As always.  (Which, by the way, I am totally fine with =D)  Even if I can’t enjoy it, someone might as well, right?  I think so.  

Oh!  Wait!  I have another awesome story.  It’s basically as short as the one above.  So, one day, my friends and I were eating, and one friend decided to buy us all Kinder Surprises.  She bought seven Kinder Surprises, which is a whole lot.  And, after reading the lovely foil wrapper, the chocolate *appeared* to be gluten free.  Seeing as Kinder Surprises were one of my favorite treats as a kid, this was awesome.  Oh, and I got a toy.  But I gave that to my friend that bought the Kinder Surprise for me.  I was perfectly fine with just the chocolate.
Oh, but one thing about Kinder Surprises.  Has anyone else noticed that they changed the capsule thingys?  Now they can’t pop apart, but it’s kinda weird that they’re not the same as they’ve always been.  Now, I’m sure it was because someone choked or something, but still.  
Okay, so thats all I have for exciting candy-receiving stories (from the past few days), but I thought that I should share.  After all, the world is becoming more gluten free, even if most of it doesn’t realize it.
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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

jacobithegreat April 14, 2010 at 9:53 am

I have never heard of a Kinder surprise. Time to google it!

And the Werthers that are chewy are not gf… my boyfriend just bought a big bag home from a trip and, of course, it’s candy so I was excited until I read the ingredients.

BUT- that is pretty awesome about yours. I’d be excited too. Yay!

Emilie Tytenicz April 14, 2010 at 9:53 am

I’ver never heard of Kinder Surprises either, but it sounds as if the biggest surprise is that it’s gluten-free. Yay! You sound like a very positive person. 🙂

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